Sjogren’s & Synergy Worldwide Supplements: Win! Win!

Since living with Sjögren’s my job as a personal trainer has become very tough. It’s not so much the pain in my body, on some level I can deal with that but it’s the chronic fatigue which leaves me unable to function.

I wake up on a Monday morning feeling like I haven’t slept for a week and knowing you have  a week of work ahead of you is soul destroying. At times I could cry at the thought of it…at times I have cried.

So I realised a few months into my diagnosis I may need a plan B which is a shame as I love my job. I came up with lots of ideas but nothing really fitted. I needed something that firstly interested me but also a job I could do from home if I needed too, dictate my own hours and pay the bills.

By pure luck I stumbled upon Synergy Worldwide, I had never heard of them before. I had researched other supplement companies but they were not the right fit for me.

On the day of my meeting with Synergy I was having a really bad fatigue day, so 3pm on a Friday was not a good idea! So I took my daughter with me to  take notes as I knew at some point the brain fog would kick in and I would zone out.

Towards the end of the meeting I decide to try the sample I had been given, the E9 which claims to boost your energy. In my mind I thought there is no way this will help as I have fatigue, i’m not just tired….people just don’t understand! On leaving the meeting 30 minutes later I didn’t feel any benefits, well not at that point…by the time I got home I was bouncing off the walls! It was like someone had plugged me in.

Wow! ok it does what it says on the tin, I need to give this a go. I knew I had to trial the product before I even considered recommending it to my clients as I would not want to undo my good reputation as a P.T.

I started by ordering the E9 and ProArgi-9. I initially found the E9 gave me too big of a kick of energy so I started with just half a sachet daily, it made such a difference to my day. I now just judge how i’m feeling on the day, so sometimes I don’t need it, on busy days I will take a whole one I just listen to what my body needs.

The ProArgi-9 doesn’t have an instant effect, however  10 days in and the results were amazing! The first thing I noticed was my increased energy and alertness. Since having Sjörgren’s I have struggled to wake myself in the mornings, since being on ProArgi-9 I wake alert before my alarm. Then it also dawned on me that for the first time in 18 months I had no pain in my ribcage/back. I used to feel like my ribcage was in a very tight corset that restricted my movement and caused constant pain on movement….completely gone! As the weeks went on the pain in the rest of my body reduced.

My brain fog also improved.

Since having Sjögrens I have experienced excessive hair loss which has been very upsetting and also been unable to grow my nails. I am now three months in on all of the products and my hair is really starting to grow back and my nails look amazing.

I also take all the other products in the range which all come through in what they say they do.

Don’t get me wrong I still have tough days, there is sadly no miracle cure! I have worked very hard at managing my condition by eating well and exercise and adjusting my lifestyle but my goodness Synergy  has been a great helping hand.

Synergy has been a win win, I have not only found a plan B which can earn me good money but Synergy has given me some quality of life back which i thought I would never see again!